The recreational craft skipper is obligated to check in at the reception and to produce the vessel’s documents upon arrival at the port, and to check out before departing from the port.
When entering and/or leaving the port, there is a 3 knot speed limit.
The mooring in the harbour must be performed in a safe manner, with proper ropes of the appropriate dimensions. If a vessel is not properly moored, it will be done by an employee of the Port Bunarina.
The recreational craft user i.e. owner must take care of the recreational craft moored at the port and he/she will be held responsible for any damage caused by the recreational craft to other vessels, the shore, equipment, devices or appliances.
The boat whistle and the flag bunting may be used in the port only with a prior consent of the Port Authority, except in the event of emergency and danger or during manoeuvring.
When a vessel is in the port, there must be as many crew members onboard as needed for safely manoeuvring the recreational craft in case of danger.
By arriving to the port, the owner / commander of the recreational craft is considered to have accepted the Rules for the Maintenance of Order in the Port Bunarina.
All complaints can be registered in the book of complaints at the reception desk.
Anchoring! Exceptionally, an employee of the Port Bunarina can allow anchoring if there is a justifiable reason for it.
Handling hazardous substances!
The use of a vessel’s toilet having direct discharge into the sea!
To use open flame!
To dispose garbage and waste outside the containers!
To let the dogs walk around freely without a leash!
To hang laundry on docks and other areas within the Marina!
To display signs, advertisements and other announcements!
Disturbing the peace of other guests!
Disposing waste oil, oil, residues of fatty derivatives and detergents into the sea!
Obstruct access to mooring devices!
To move, change or remove the berths, anchors and devices of other vessels, unless it is necessary to prevent obvious damage!
Make fire on the shore!
To swim, dive, speed, windsurf, pull a water skier or learn water skiing!
To catch fish or other sea organisms!
Perform other actions that can endanger human lives, cause fire, contaminate the sea or damage other vessels and boats and the coast, port equipment, devices or plants!

The marina part of the port is located on the north-eastern side – the piers 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 and the shore D. In the picture, the yacht berths are marked with red, the municipal moorings with blue and the operational dock with yellow. The temporary marina part of the port is on the shore B in front of the administrative building of the Reception.
The Rules for the Maintenance of Order regulate the terms and methods of maintaining order in the port. The depths at the berths range between 1 and 10m. Berths are possible for recreational crafts up to 15m. The crane -10t.

Emergency service: 112
Rescue service at sea: 195 (VHF16) or 112
Police: 112 or 192
Fire Department: 112 or 193
Emergency medical help: 112 or 194
Road assistance: 112 or 1987
Information: 11880
International information: 11981
Port Authority Pula: +385(0)52 383 160
Harbour Master’s Office Pula:
+385 (0)52 535 870
Baromedicine (hyperbaric) Polyclinic OXY: +385 (0)52 217 877
Veterinary station: +385(0)52 541 590 /+385(0)98 9811 666
Meteorological service:
+385 (0)52 372 520
Pula bus station: +385 (0)52 502 997
Pula airport: +385 (0)52 530 150